Discovering the world of web3 has been an incredible dive down the rabbit hole. Beyond the hours spent discovering and learning, there were many other hours wandering on discord servers, chasing WLs, minting works of unknown artists and seeing them emerge... Many occasions also to feel an intense joy, this moment of grace when everything goes as planned, that I called cryptorgasm.
These hours spent online have also led me to meet several people with whom I have sympathized, talking for hours with people who are more helpful than many IRL people, who do not hesitate to take their time to help, explain, accompany. Among these people, some have become more than just acquaintances and it is to them that I wanted to pay tribute through this series of 12 works.
All these images were created according to the same process, starting from a real photo, reworked by AI, then photographed directly on my screen, before being edited in different softwares to obtain this unique rendering.

My NFT journey began when I discovered the works of a handful of artists I fell in love with.
Their works touched me deeply for different reasons, and especially because they seemed to me to be the starting point of a whole new phase in the history of Art. It was a real artistic slap in the face that led me to think about this subject to the point of obsession. Obsession towards these artworks, obsession towards these artists, obsession also towards the astronomical sums that the crypto-art generated at that time.
Obsessions that I wanted to transcribe in this work to the glory of Mike, Tyler and Dimitri, who gave me the will to advance in my own work as well as the courage to publish it.

WOT is a series of photographs using Open Source Intelligence. They are all taken from images directly filmed by soldiers engaged in the field of the Ukrainian conflict and broadcast on telegram channels. Hours of viewing, a fine selection of visuals and a very precise image processing methodology allow this unique rendering.
Like most young people born around the 2000s, the soldiers who filmed those images grew up with smartphones, social networks, Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram, the possibility for all citizens to witness their time with a simple push of the thumb. They were documenting their lives, they are documenting their war.
Mens and womens involved in this war are the hostages and the first victims of a cynical geopolitical game. This series is a tribute to their individual commitments, to their courage, to their fears and to their hopes.
Until peace returns, here are their lives.

"American Conspiracy" is a work in progress in which I explore the rise of conspiracy in 21st century America, from its roots in the events of September 11, 2001, to its peak marked by the magnitude of the Q Anon movement and the catastrophic end of Donald J. Trump's Presidency.
The images and videos that make up this series were conceived using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and are based on research, photography and digital retouching.